Bitcoin Documentation: Best Movies About Bitcoin

Learning by observing is one of the most important human skills. And if you don’t want to deal with boring specialized literature, we recommend the following Bitcoin documentation. Today, one can easily find very informative documentation on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies on the Internet. That’s why we’ve chosen some of the best ones for you. Let’s get started!

1. The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014)

The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin is one of the oldest documentaries on Bitcoin. The producers go deep into Bitcoin topic and also explain connections that arise with the digital currency. Because so far only a fraction of the blockchain technology potential has been used. 

And other interesting projects besides Bitcoin will also arise in the future. On the one hand for the benefit of society, on the other hand with considerable risks. This documentation takes a total of 96 minutes and is an absolute must for every Bitcoin fan. 

2. Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know it (2015)

How Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies could affect the global financial system is explained in Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know it. This documentation is an excellent crash course for all newbies and advanced users. 

Because it explains the areas of blockchain and finance very precisely. In addition to experts such as Vitalik Buterin and Andreas M. Antonopoulos, numerous well-known guests have their say. They give rather good examples to explain the role of Bitcoin in society. 

3. Ulterior States (2015)

A journalist Tom Kantor traveled the world for three years collecting opinions on Bitcoin. He attended numerous events and interviewed their speakers. As a result, he presented this extensive work. This documentation illustrates Bitcoin and Blockchain in various aspects of life. Under his IamSatoshi pseudonym, he has already published some very informative articles on the subject of blockchain technology.

4. Banking on Bitcoin (2016)

The devastating financial crisis of 2008 affected the rise of Bitcoin so bad. Banking based on Bitcoin shows how Wall Street is changing and what role Bitcoin plays in this context. In addition to money laundering and fraud, numerous facts come to light here. 

The social impact of Bitcoin on society is also discussed. In addition, there is an increasing influence of banks and their capital. This has a huge impact on Bitcoin development. How the power of investors intersects with the basic idea of ​​Bitcoin remains a hot topic. 

5. Terra X: Bitcoins – What You Really Need To Know (2018)

In this episode of Terra X, the scientist Harald Lesch presents the Bitcoin system in a nutshell. In less than ten minutes, two interviewees explain the benefits of virtual currencies. You will also know how Bitcoin can change the financial world. The simplicity of the documentation makes it perfect for newbies.

6. The Blockchain Revolution (2019)

The Blockchain Revolution is a very interesting and extensive documentation about Bitcoin and its creation. Areas such as mining, blockchain, and counterfeit protection are examined in more detail. In addition, this documentary shows which opportunities will be created on the labor market of the future. Because it could change significantly with blockchain technology.

7. More Bitcoin Documentation?

This is just a short selection of Bitcoin documentation. However, it contains a lot of important information. And as always, we look forward to your feedback. What other Bitcoin documentation do you know? Just share your favorite movies in the comments!

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